Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Location: Ithaca area
Formed: 2008
Jesse Scott-guitar
Matty Woo-bass
Jon Freund drums
Bryan Wood-guitar
Releases: Remnants of You EP, released june 2010
Tell us about yourselves!
Thirteen south formed in 2008 by three mutual friends (Doogie vocals,Matt Kelly guitar, Teja Buczuski bass) just looking to start a heavy band and have some fun. After some line-up changes, the current line up (with the exception of Bryan who's been filling in on guitar for a few shows - HUGE thank you to him), has been rocking out the last two and a half years all over the New York and PA, quickly gaining momentum as a solid band with a awesome stage presence with explosive riffs mixed up with neck jarring breakdowns.Thirteen South's whole purpose is just 5 guys doing what we do - making awesome music, drinking some beer and having a great time doing it. In 2010, the band spent a month recording with sound engineer, Mike Caporizzo to produce what would be so far, our only release "Remnants of You", which of the first 100 CDs sold within a four month span, but is available on iTunes, Napster, Rhapsody, Amazonmp3 and more. With Ithaca Festival possibly being Thirteen Souths last show, expect nothing less then the best performance possible from us. If were going out, were going to do it proudly and with a big bang. Were all excited to play IFest, being possibly the first metal band doing so. We've all being looking very much forward to it and are proud to be among the many performers that grace Ithaca every year for it. After IFest, we're not really sure whats going to happen. The members who are leaving (or already have left) are irreplaceable as musicians and friends. Although a permanant second guitarist has been found, were still looking for a bassist and a vocalist after this performance. Hopefully we can get things back on track and be moshing out before to long. If anyone is interested in trying out, we'd be more then happy to hear from them.
Labels: csma, Hardcore, Ithaca, ithaca festival, Ithaca Underground, Metal, metalcore, thirteen south
In preparation for the upcoming Ithaca Underground/CSMA stage at Ithaca Festival on June 4th, we're bringing you the skinny on a few of the bands. First up - Bridge Under Fire!
Band Name: Bridge Under Fire
Location: Syracuse, NY
Formed: Bridge Under Fire was formed by myself (Mark) and Matt from The Andrea Doria and Brendan from Vapor Aevum. We got together in the fall of 2010 after our previous bands broke up. We began writing songs and auditioning drummers. Through the magic of craigslist we got in touch with Clayton from the band Purple Grip, and he joined the band in November 2010.
Mark Turley- Vocals/guitar
Brndan Hilyard- Guitar/Backup Vocals
Matt Proietta- Bass
Clayton Stetz- Drums
Releases: The Night Court Sessions (self-released Feb. 2010)
Tell us about yourselves!
Once we got Clayton, and all the members were in place, we hit the ground running. We played our first show in December 2010, recorded our first EP The Night Court Sessions at The Hollow Recording Studio in Syracuse with Jim Goldsworthy (Fierce Little Records) and Josh Coy (Long Since Forgotten, Red and Black, Stay Six) in January, released it and had our first tour in February 2011. Since being released, we have toured through NY, PA, CT, and NJ and played with thrash/hardcore bands to pop-punk bands.
The easiest way to describe Bridge Under Fire’s sound is that it is most similar to Hot Water Music. The melodies are catchy, the vocals are aggressive, but the lyrics are very sing along-able. Currently we are planning some shows, as well as writing new tunes for a possible full length for the end of the year or early next year. Bridge Under Fire is still a very young band and things are moving at a very fast pace. Currently the next stop on our traveling circus is Ithaca Festival and we are insanely excited to play.
Labels: bridge under fire, csma, Hardcore, Ithaca, ithaca festival, Ithaca Underground, Meet The Band, Punk, syracuse
Live Video: Ga'an, Sun Spells, Underground River, Brian!
0 comments Posted by Bubba Crumrine at 12:33 PMHere's video from the latest IU show including new, as yet unreleased material from Ga'an! To check the clips out in HD along with hundreds of other videos, check out our IU YouTube channel.
Sun Spells
Underground River
Underground River
Labels: Brian, csma, ga'an, gaan, Ithaca, Ithaca Underground, live video, sun spells, underground river
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Live Video: The Queers, The Front, Beach Parade, Figth A Scary Dog
0 comments Posted by Bubba Crumrine at 8:46 AMHope you made it out to this one! Tuesday night punk shows! The Queers tore through an absurd amount of songs in very brief periods of time so most of their clips have multiple tacks in them. If you'd rather watch these in HD, just hop on over to http://www.youtube.com/user/IthacaUnderground for all of these clips and about 300 other.
WTF is this insect/bug/thing found during The Front's set?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Live Video: World/Inferno Friendship Society, 4 Point 0, Elsa & the awesomeAWESOMES
0 comments Posted by Bubba Crumrine at 12:32 PMLive footage from World/Inferno Friendship Society's return to Ithaca and their first time at The Haunt plus, 4 Point 0 and Elsa & the awesomeAWESOMES!
Live Video: Why The Wires 'Telegraph Flats' Release show with MTMTM, Blow!, and Kites In Space
0 comments Posted by Bubba Crumrine at 9:00 AMThanks to everyone who came out to this event and made it such a success! Big props to Angry Mom Records and McNeil Music of Ithaca for supporting local music by releasing the LP and to CSMA for the on-going use of their space. Here's some footage!
Footage by Bubba Crumrine (except Mouth To Mouth To Mouth footage by Mel Casano)
Big Day In: May 7th Video - Tombs, Sulaco, Sun Spells, Sepsis, Oak & Bone, Night Owls, Lux Carentes, Inerds, Hiroshima Vacation, & Ehnahre
0 comments Posted by Bubba Crumrine at 8:59 AMHere's a few video clips from the latest BIG DAY IN! These are different from the ones we're aiming for the next DVD so more to come. Thanks to McNeil Music of Ithaca, Angry Mom Records, and The Haunt for making another BDI possible.
Labels: big day in, ehnahre, Hiroshima Vacation, inerds, Ithaca, Ithaca Underground, Lux Carentes, Metal, sepsis, sulaco, sun spells, tombs
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The DVD of last December's BIG DAY IN is here! Featuring life footage from Soul Control, Bridge & Tunnel, Beach Parade, Why The Wires, Oak & Bone, Like Wolves, Ghost Robot Ninja Bear, Speak Daggers, Zona Mexicana, Cattle Drums, Ailments, and Bright Shiny Objects.
We're talking multi-track board & room audio and multi-angle video from all the bands involved plus bonus mp3s and photo gallery - for just $10.
The release will be available first this Saturday, May 7th at BIG DAY IN with Tombs, Woe, Ehnahre, Sulaco, Night Owls, Oak & Bone, Lux Carentes, Sepsis, Inerds, Mouth To Mouth To Mouth, Hiroshima Vacation, and Sun Spells - we aim to record this one as well so don't miss out!
The disc will be available at all Ithaca Underground shows after BIG DAY IN, at Angry Mom Records in Ithaca, and via Hex Records. Keep in touch as we add additional ways of obtaining this momentous disc.
After their first appearance back in early April, the Buffalo powerviolence/grind quartet INERDS are back in Ithaca. Armed with dual female vocals, crushing bass, and utter destruction behind the kit, the band is becoming a serious force to be reckoned with, even garnering the attention of J. Randall for his Grindcore Karaoke release. Vii Caso gets the lowdown on where they started and what's next.
IU: Can you give us a brief (of not so brief) history of how Inerds came to be?
Moezes: I was in a pop punk band when I first met Matt, and at one point we were both homeless, so we became friends pretty quickly. We were at a party and Matt isn't much a drinker, but I got him fucking whiskey drunk that night. At some point, I dragged him to the practice space, and we (drunkenly) wrote "She Beast". Later that week I knew we need female vocals for the shit we were writing. I'm a huge fan of lady vocals, so bands like Robot has Werewolf Hand, Despise you, Hatred Surge, Salome, Punch, etc...were a huge influence on what we were going for. Corey came first on vocals and then we later asked Jessika if she would join the force up front.

Moezes: When we first started, we had talked about just keeping it a duo. Just to keep things easier, But i really thought the girls would bring some serious energy live that a 2 piece just couldn't. But in regards to not having any guitar, Matt and I just both thought it sounded plenty thick with just bass. It kind of just gives us this down tune effect, but every INERDS song is written in E standard. Also add to the fact Matt and I are both bassists (him much more than I), with a fierce love for bass and drum PV. Bands like Lana Dagales, Vennt, MITB, and the Agoraphobic Nosebleed "Domestic Power Violence" split with Apartment 213 were HUGE influences on the musical portion.
IU: How did you guys get connected with Grindcore Karaoke?
Moezes: J. Randall sent INERDS a message through myspace saying he was doing GK and wanted the demo on it. I informed him about Mutant League, which is a label I had started doing with John from Bestower, and he wanted everything Matt and I have done. To those who don't know, Mutant League is: Inerds, Hoglust, Bestower, Human Touch, Canadian Tuxedo and Water Torture with demos coming soon for two last two.
IU: You guys played Ithaca a few weeks ago along Coworkers, Womyn Boyz and Pharaohs. Was that your first time playing Ithaca?
Moezes: Yeah, first time for me in Ithaca in a long time and it was radical. The space we played was righteous, the locals were great, and Bubba is a solid homie. It seems like he's doing a lot of work for that area, which is fucking awesome.
IU: Are there any future Inerds releases planned?
Moezes: Yeah, actually were doing a split 7" with this band from over seas called Terror of the Dynamite Attack. That will be out on Mutant League by the fall. We're really excited to get that piece out.
IU: Any final words?
Moezes: Go download everything from www.grindcorekaraoke.com, J Randall is making shit happen for a lot of bands who never would get any notice. And smoke weed till you die from it. Word me dude.
Labels: big day in, grind, grindcore, Grindcore Karaoke, inerds, Interview, powerviolence, vii caso