Monday, March 22, 2010

Meet The Band: Speak Daggers

Band name: Speak Daggers

Location: Ithaca, NY

Corey Mahaney (Guitar + Vocals)
Peter Pillardy (Drums + Vocals)
Ari Kaputkin (Bass + Vocals)

Formed: September '09

Releases: EP on 3.27.10

Tell us about yourselves!
We thought of forming this band as more of a side project, but it quickly became one of our main focuses. We wanted to do something basically louder and faster than what we were doing and with less limitations on our sound. Its one of the most expressive bands we've played in, and we just have a lot of fun doing it. We're definitely our biggest fans. In 6 months we've already written more songs than with any other band. We think we'll have 6 new songs for the March 27th show. It's been fun hearing how our songs are evolving. We just spent the last few weeks recording our 4 track EP in assorted living rooms and showers. It'll be on sale for negative two cents March 27th. Oh, you also have to dance.